Crisis in the Middle East

Crisis in the Middle East

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Y-USA and the global YMCA Movement continue to stay connected with YMCAs in the Middle East through the tragic events that are causing overwhelming harm to youth, families, and communities. Since October 2023, YMCA of the USA and World YMCA leaders remain in regular contact with our friends and colleagues at the Jerusalem International YMCA (JIY), the East Jerusalem YMCA (EJY) and YMCA Lebanon.

YMCA of the USA’s World Service Campaign and local YMCAs in the U.S. have been close partners with these YMCAs for decades, working together to promote understanding, cooperation and peace, empower young people and provide needed social services and vocational training. Thank you for your support. Contributions to assist YMCAs in the region since October 2023 have exceeded $260,000, as of July 2024.

The situation in the region is ongoing and uncertain. Our colleagues in the region are courageously managing the challenges and responding to the ongoing humanitarian crises. The specific needs of the young people and communities directly affected by this conflict are varied and significant. We know the YMCAs are responding with care and resilience to support the needs of their communities.

You may make a contribution below for the vital youth and community development work of these YMCAs.  Please note Holy Land Appeal, JIY, EJY or Lebanon in the Comments/Special Instructions section.

Humanitarian Needs and Safe Spaces

Funds will be utilized to ensure that the salaries, operations, programs and services of the Jerusalem International YMCA, East Jerusalem YMCA and YMCA of Lebanon remain strong.

Current response efforts throughout the region include:

  • JIY Recreation Center is open and providing needed respite, stress management, health and wellness activities and safe community spaces to meet with friends and family.
  • YMCA of Lebanon is continuing to deliver needed medicines for chronic illnesses and social services to thousands of internally displaced people.
  • EJY and US YMCAs creating virtual safe spaces for young leaders to build bridges of trust and global understanding.
  • EJY Ramallah Community Center is open providing recreation, health and wellness activities and safe spaces to meet friends and family.
  • EJY continues serving people with disabilities with psychosocial counseling, physical and environmental adaptations, vocational training, women’s development programs and more.
  • JIY Summer Camps are providing opportunities for youth to learn and play
  • YMCA of Lebanon provide youth and community development programs and vocational training


Updates from Jerusalem YMCAs

Update: October 30, 2023

Updates from the East Jerusalem YMCA

Updates from the East Jerusalem YMCA:  

  • 574 workers have received psychological first aid and psychosocial sessions.
  • The YMCA Vocational Training Center in Jericho has reopened to serve the students.
  • Some YMCA staff in Jerusalem and the West Bank are working remotely to ensure safety.
  • The YMCA in Beit Sahour offers reduced hours and services.
  • The YMCA in Ramallah continues all services.
  • The YMCA in East Jerusalem in currently closed.
  • Some support services to remote villages are suspended due to the crisis.

Update: October 25, 2023

Update: October 25, 2023

The Jerusalem International YMCA (JIY) has:

  1. Re-opened its preschool and sports center to serve youth and families of all faiths, including free access to the sports center for individuals and families displaced from the south of Israel.
  2. Providing food and basic hygienic supplies to Bedouin communities and neighborhoods in the south and communities in East Jerusalem impacted by the crisis.

These initiatives underscore the YMCA's dedication to promoting peace, compassion, and solidarity during times of adversity. They also align with the organization's mission of serving the broader community and fostering unity among diverse populations.

Contact info

Y-USA will continue to provide updates on this situation. Should you have questions, please contact the YMCA World Service team at [email protected]

We know you all share our deep concern about the situation. Thank you for joining us in praying for peace and an end to the suffering.
